WAHA 2024.8 - WhatsApp Business Labels API, Chat Archive and more!

Posted in Releases on August 1, 2024 by devlikeapro ‐ 2 min read

Image for WAHA 2024.8 - WhatsApp Business Labels API, Chat Archive and more!

🎉 We are thrilled to announce the release of WAHA 2024.8 🎉

WhatsApp Business Labels API

You can now work with WhatsApp Labels available in WhatsApp Business using the API!

Labels API

Here’s Get list of labels API example:

GET /api/{session}/labels


    "id": "1",
    "name": "New Client",
    "color": 1,
    "colorHex": "#64c4ff"

👉 Read more about the WhatsApp Business Labels API on 🏷️ Labels page!

Labels Events

You can now receive information about label creation, update, and deletion using webhooks!

  "event": "label.upsert",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "10",
    "name": "Label Name",
    "color": 14,
    "colorHex": "#00a0f2"
  "engine": "NOWEB",

👉 Read more about the Labels Events on 🏷️ Labels page!

Chat archive/unarchive

You can now archive and unarchive WhatsApp Chats using API and receive events about chat archive in WhatsApp using webhooks!

Chat archive API

Use the method to archive chat

POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/archive

Use the method to unarchive chat

POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/unarchive

👉 Read more about the endpoints on 💬 Chats page!

Chat archive Events

Enable chat.archive event when starting a new session and receive information about chat archive in WhatsApp using events:

  "event": "chat.archive",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "123123123@c.us",
    "timestamp": 1667561485,
    "archived": true <== or false

👉 Read more about the events on 🔄 Webhooks page!

Calls Events

Now when the WhatsApp account receives (rejects and accepts) a new call - you can receive information about that using new call.* webhooks!

Enable call.* events when starting a new session and receive information about calls in WhatsApp using events:

  "event": "call.received",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "from": "22222222222@c.us",
    "timestamp": 1721374000,
    "isVideo": false,
    "isGroup": false

👉 Read more about the events on 📞 Calls page!

And more!

👉 Read the full 🆕 Changelog for WAHA 2024.8 release!