
A WhatsApp API client that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app. It uses Puppeteer to run a real instance of Whatsapp Web to avoid getting blocked.

👉 WAHA uses WhatsApp WebJS engine by default (if you don’t set WHATSAPP_DEFAULT_ENGINE environment variable to another engine).

⚠ Read the article before using WEBJS engine How to avoid blocking ->.


# Core
docker run -it -e "WHATSAPP_DEFAULT_ENGINE=WEBJS" devlikeapro/waha
# Plus
docker run -v `pwd`/.sessions:/app/.sessions -e "WHATSAPP_DEFAULT_ENGINE=WEBJS" devlikeapro/waha-plus


You can use some of the following environment variables to configure the WEBJS session:

  • WAHA_WEBJS_CACHE_TYPE=local - enable cache (aka use the latest version) for the web page in the browser. By default, it’s none (no cache)
  • WAHA_WEBJS_WEB_VERSION=2.3000.XXXX - set the version of the WhatsApp Web to use. By default, we’re using the latest compatible version. Only works with local cache type.