🗄️ Storages


There are several storages that are used by the WAHA, below you can find the list of them and the way to configure them.

Click to open full size.
  1. 🖥️ Session Storage - used to store the session data, such as authentication information, configuration, and other data that is required to keep the session alive and connected to WhatsApp.
  2. 🖼️ Media Storage - used to store the media files, such as images, videos, and other files that are received from the WhatsApp instance.

You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

Local - 🖥️ Session✔️✔️✔️
Local - 🖼️ Media✔️✔️✔️
PostgresSQL - 🖥️ Session
PostgresSQL - 🖼️ Media
S3 - 🖼️ Media
MongoDB - 🖥️ Session✔️✔️

  • ➕ - Available in ➕ WAHA Plus
  • MongoDB is deprecated. Use PostgresSQL instead for new installations.
  • Any S3 Compatible storage can be used, such as AWS S3, MinIO, DigitalOcean Spaces, etc. For in-house solutions, you can use MinIO.


The 🖥️ Session storage is used to store the session data, such as authentication information, configuration, and other data that is required to keep the session alive and connected to WhatsApp.

If you want to save your session and do not scan QR code everytime when you launch WAHA - you MUST connect the session storage to the container.

For the session storage, you can use the following options:

  1. Local - the default option, stores the session data in the local storage using files.
  2. PostgreSQL - stores the session data in the PostgreSQL database.
  3. MongoDB - stores the session data in the MongoDB database.

Sessions - Local

By default, the WAHA uses the local storage (files) to store the session data.

It’s well tested solution event for production with multiple sessions

You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

In order to use the local storage and save the session data between the container restarts, you need to mount the volume to the /app/.sessions directory using the -v option in docker run command:

-v /path/to/on/host/.sessions:/app/.sessions

The full command to run the WAHA with the local storage and save the session data in the current directory and .sessions directory:

docker run -v `pwd`/.sessions:/app/.sessions -p 3000:3000/tcp devlikeapro/waha-plus

This is the only action you need to do to use the local storage - all session data will be available between the container restarts.


  • WAHA_LOCAL_STORE_BASE_DIR=/app/.sessions you can override the base directory for the local storage
    • For instance, to handle Azure “dot” restrictions [#597](https://github.com/devlikeapro/waha/issues/597]

How it works

In the host machine, the session data will be stored in the current directory in the .sessions directory.

Under the hood, the WAHA stores the session data in the following directory structure:


when you log out the session using POST /api/sessions/{session}/logout or delete the session using DELETE /api/sessions/{session} it removes the directory with the session data.

Health Check

The WAHA Plus provides the health check endpoint that checks the local storage.

Sessions - PostgreSQL

If you want to use the PostgreSQL to store the session data, you need to:

  1. Start the PostgreSQL server
  2. Set WHATSAPP_SESSIONS_POSTGRESQL_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable environment variable to connect to the PostgreSQL server.

You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

I want to run >100 sessions on PostgresSQL

If you see the error:

pg sorry, too many clients already

Make sure to increase the max_connections in the postgresql.conf file or start it with the flag:

postgres -c max_connections=3000

Sessions - MongoDB

⚠️ DEPRECATED - MongoDB storage is deprecated. Use PostgresSQL instead for new installations.

If you want to use the MongoDB to store the session data, you need to:

  1. Start the MongoDB server (using docker or any other way). You can either start your own MongoDB server or use the one of cloud providers, like MongoDB Atlas.
  2. Set WHATSAPP_SESSIONS_MONGO_URL=mongodb://user:password@host:port/ environment variable to connect to the MongoDB server.

We recommend using your own MongoDB server as close as possible to WAHA server for the best performance and security reasons.

For WEBJS engine it can take up to 1 minute to save credentials in Mongo Database"


You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

First, you need to start MongoDB server:

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongodb -v mongo-data:/data/db mongo

Then, you need to run the WAHA with the WHATSAPP_SESSIONS_MONGO_URL environment variable (please note using --network host option as well)

docker run -e WHATSAPP_SESSIONS_MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/ --network host devlikeapro/waha-plus

This is the only action you need to do to use the MongoDB storage - all session authentication data will be stored in the MongoDB database.

How it works

When you start a session, it stores the session data in the MongoDB database in two databases:

  1. waha_{engine} - it saves the session configuration in sessions collection with name: {sessionName} field.
  2. waha_{engine}_{sessionName} - it saves the WhatsApp authentication data and other session data. Each engine saves different data in this database.

when you log out the session using POST /api/sessions/{session}/logout or delete the session using DELETE /api/sessions/{session} it removes the session data from both databases.

For dealing and troubleshooting with the MongoDB, we recommend using MongoDB Compass.


Health Check

The WAHA Plus provides the health check endpoint that checks the MongoDB connection.


When your WhatsApp instance receives media files, it stores them in the media storage.

You can use the following options to store the media files:

  1. Local - the default option, stores the media files in the local storage using files.
  2. PostgreSQL - stores the media files in the PostgreSQL database.
  3. S3 - stores the media files in the S3 storage.

You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

Local - 🖥️ Session✔️✔️✔️
Local - 🖼️ Media✔️✔️✔️
PostgresSQL - 🖥️ Session
PostgresSQL - 🖼️ Media
S3 - 🖼️ Media
MongoDB - 🖥️ Session✔️✔️

  • ➕ - Available in ➕ WAHA Plus
  • MongoDB is deprecated. Use PostgresSQL instead for new installations.
  • Any S3 Compatible storage can be used, such as AWS S3, MinIO, DigitalOcean Spaces, etc. For in-house solutions, you can use MinIO.

Read more about available configuration options ->.

Media - Local

By default, the WAHA uses the local file storage to store the media files and those files has a short lifetime (180 seconds).

You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

So it’s your app responsibility to download and store them in a safe persistent place during this time.

If you want to use the local storage and save the media files between the container restarts for a long time - you need to:

  1. Specify a dedicated folder to store the media files using WHATSAPP_FILES_FOLDER=/app/.media environment variable
  2. Disable automatic media files cleanup using WHATSAPP_FILES_LIFETIME=0 environment variable
  3. Connect the volume to the specified folder using the -v /path/to/files/on/host:/app/.media option in docker run command to the folder specified in WHATSAPP_FILES_FOLDER environment variable.

Read more about available configuration options ->.

Here’s all the steps in one command:

docker run -v /path/to/on/host/.media:/app/.media -e WHATSAPP_FILES_FOLDER=/app/.media -e WHATSAPP_FILES_LIFETIME=0 -p 3000:3000/tcp devlikeapro/waha-plus

Health Check

The WAHA Plus provides the health check endpoint that checks the local storage.

Media - PostgreSQL

You can use the PostgreSQL to store the media files.

You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

Configure the following environment variables to use the PostgreSQL storage:

  • WAHA_MEDIA_STORAGE=POSTGRESQL - enable the PostgreSQL storage
  • WAHA_MEDIA_POSTGRESQL_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable - the connection URL to the PostgreSQL database

Media - S3

You can use the S3 storage to store the media files.

Any S3 Compatible storage can be used, such as AWS S3, MinIO, DigitalOcean Spaces, etc. For in-house solutions, you can use MinIO.

You can find complete docker-compose.yaml with all storages and other configurations and use it as the starting point for your project.

  • WAHA_MEDIA_STORAGE=S3 - enable the S3 storage
  • WAHA_S3_REGION=eu-west-1 - the region of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_BUCKET=waha - the name of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin - the access key of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin - the secret access key of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_ENDPOINT= - the endpoint of the S3 bucket (not required for AWS S3)
  • WAHA_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE=True - force path style for the S3 bucket (not required for AWS S3)
  • WAHA_S3_PROXY_FILES - proxy media files through WAHA (False by default)
    • WAHA_S3_PROXY_FILES=False - generate pre-signed URLs for media files and send them to the client in media.url
    • WAHA_S3_PROXY_FILES=True - WAHA will proxy media files through itself in media.url

After you enabled S3 here’s example for message webhook payload:

  "event": "message",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {
    "id": "true_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    "hasMedia": true,
    "media": {
        "url": "http://localhost:3000/api/files/true_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg",
        "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
        "filename": null,
        "s3": {
            "Bucket": "bucket-name",
            "Key": "/default/true_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg"
        "error": null // if there was an error during file download

in addition to media.* field it will have media.s3.* field with the S3 bucket information.

S3 Metadata

Each file saved in S3 has additional metadata:

  • X-Amz-Meta-Waha-Session=default - the session name
  • X-Amz-Meta-Waha-Message-Id=true_111... - the message ID
  • X-Amz-Meta-Waha-Media-File-Name=media.jpg - the media file name (if available)