💬 Chats

Chats methods.


Here’s the list of features that are available by 🏭 Engines:

Get all chats
GET /api/{session}/chats
Get chats overview
GET /api/{session}/chats/overview
Get chat picture
GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/picture
Unread chat
POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/unread
Archive chat
POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/archive
Unarchive chat
POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/unarchive
Delete chat
DELETE /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}
Get messages
GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages
Get message by id
GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}
Pin message
POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}/pin
Unpin message
POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}/unpin
Edit message
PUT /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}
Delete message
DELETE /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}
Delete all messages
DELETE /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages

  1. NOWEB - you need to Enable Store to get chats, contacts and messages

If you see the feature is not available in the above list, please create a feature request or leave “+1” comment on the existing one.


Parameters in path that you can find in below endpoints:

  • {session} - use the session name for Whatsapp instance that you created with POST /api/sessions endpoint
  • {chatId} - chat id in format 123123123123@[c.us|g.us], c.us for direct chats and g.us for groups.

Get all chats

Get all chats

GET /api/{session}/chats

Chats Pagination

If you see timeout or the request takes too long - consider using limit parameter to get chats in smaller chunks

GET /api/{session}/chats?limit=100&offset=0&sortBy=messageTimestamp&sortOrder=desc
  • limit=100 - limit the number of chats to return
  • offset=0 - skip the number of chats from the start
  • sortBy={field} - sort by field
    • sortBy=messageTimestamp - sort by last message timestamp
    • sortBy=id - sort by chat id
    • sortBy=name - sort by chat name
  • sortOrder=desc|asc - sort order
    • desc - descending order (New first, A-Z)
    • asc - ascending order (Old first, Z-A)

Get chats overview

Get chats “overview” - the API that almost all Chat UI client needs!

GET /api/{session}/chats/overview?limit=20&offset=0

Response contains the main info you need to show in the chat list:

  1. id - chat id
  2. name - chat name (if any)
  3. picture - chat picture (if any)
  4. lastMessage - last message in the chat (if any).
  5. _chat - the structure depends on engine you’re using

⚠️ lastMessage doesn’t have media attachments, you need to get message by id to get media attachments.

    "id": "12312l123@c.us",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "picture": "https://example.com/picture.jpg",
    "lastMessage": {
      "id": "true_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
      "timestamp": 1667561485,
      "from": "11111111111@c.us",
      "fromMe": true,
      "to": "11111111111@c.us",
      "body": "Hi there!",
    "_chat": {


  • limit=100 - limit the number of chats to return
  • offset=0 - skip the number of chats from the start

Get chat picture

Get chat picture (avatar, profile picture, group image) by chat id

GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/picture[?refresh=True]


  • refresh=True - force refresh the picture. By default, we cache it 24 hours. Do not frequently refresh the picture to avoid rate-overlimit error.
  "url": "https://example.com/picture.jpg"
  • url can be null if there’s no picture for the chat

Archive chat

Use the method to archive chat

POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/archive

Unarchive chat

Use the method to unarchive chat

POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/unarchive

Unread chat

Mark chat as unread

POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/unread

Delete chat

Use the method to delete chat

DELETE /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}

Get messages

Get 10 messages from the chat

GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages?limit=10

Available parameters:

  • downloadMedia=true - download media files (images, files) or not
  • chatId=123@c.us - chatId, phone number
    • chatId=all - get messages from all chats (works on NOWEB engine only)
  • limit=100 - limit the number of chats to return
  • offset=0 - skip the number of chats from the start
  • filter.timestamp.lte=1727745026 - filter messages by timestamp less than or equal to 1727745026
  • filter.timestamp.gte=1727745026 - filter messages by timestamp greater than or equal to 1727745026
  • filter.fromMe=false - filter messages from me (by default shows all messages)

Get 10 messages from the chat, skip downloading media (images, files)

GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages?limit=10&downloadMedia=false
    "id": "false_123123@c.us_AAAAAA",
    "timestamp": 1727745026,
    "from": "123123@c.us",
    "fromMe": false,
    "body": "I'm good!",
    "hasMedia": false,
    "ack": 3,
    "ackName": "READ",
    "replyTo": null,
    "_data": {
      ... // Raw Engine Data

Get 10 messages from 1727745026 timestamp, not from me

GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages?limit=10&filter.timestamp.gte=1727745026&filter.fromMe=false

👉 If you have more messages - you can set offset flag (increase it always for limit amount, even if you get less messages)

GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages?limit=10&offset=10&filter.timestamp.gte=1727745026&filter.fromMe=false

Get message by id

Get message by id

GET /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}?downloadMedia=true
    "id": "false_123123@c.us_AAAAAA",
    "timestamp": 1727745026,
    "from": "123123@c.us",
    "fromMe": false,
    "body": "I'm good!",
    "hasMedia": false,
    "ack": 3,
    "ackName": "READ",
    "replyTo": null,
    "_data": {
        ... // Raw Engine Data
  • chatId - in format 123123123@c.us
  • messageId - must be in format {true|false}_213213@c.us_AAAAAAA)
  • downloadMedia - download media files (images, files) or not

Pin message

POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}/pin
  "duration": 86400
  • 24 hours - duration=86400
  • 7 days - duration=604800
  • 30 days - duration=2592000
  "success": true

Unpin message

POST /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}/unpin
  "success": true

Edit message

You can edit text messages or “caption” in media messages.

PUT /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}

👉 Remember to escape @ in chatId and messageId with %40.

So if you want to edit true_123@c.us_AAA message in 123@c.us chat you need to send request to:

PUT /api/{session}/chats/123%40c.us/messages/true_123%40c.us_AAA
  "text": "Hello, world!"

Delete message

You can delete messages from the chat.

DELETE /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages/{messageId}

👉 Remember to escape @ in chatId and messageId with %40.

So if you want to delete true_123@c.us_AAA message in 123@c.us chat you need to send request to:

DELETE /api/{session}/chats/123%40c.us/messages/true_123%40c.us_AAA

Delete all messages

Use the method to clear all messages from the chat

DELETE /api/{session}/chats/{chatId}/messages 



The chat.archive event is triggered when a chat is archived or unarchived.

  "event": "chat.archive",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "123123123@c.us",
    "timestamp": 1667561485,
    "archived": true <== or false