⚙️ Configuration

You can configure WhatsApp API behaviour via environment variables, by adding -e WHATSAPP_VARNAME=value at the begging of the command line or by using other options

docker run -it -e "WAHA_WORKER_ID=waha" -e WAHA_PRINT_QR=False devlikeapro/waha

It’s not necessary to always run such a long command - you can save all data in docker-compose.yaml file as described on 🔧 Install & Update.

The following environment variables can be used to configure the WAHA.


  • WHATSAPP_API_PORT=3000: The port number that the HTTP server will listen on. The default value is 3000.
    • PORT=3000 is also supported (for Heroku compatibility)
  • WHATSAPP_API_HOSTNAME=localhost: The hostname for the HTTP server. The default value is localhost.
  • WHATSAPP_API_SCHEMA=https - it just changes media.url schema when you receive media (with files) messages.
  • WAHA_BASE_URL - will be used to construct the media.url field in the webhook events.
  • WAHA_DEBUG_MODE=false - enables some API only for development or troubleshooting purposes. Disabled by default.
  • TZ=Europe/Warsaw - set the timezone for the container. The default value is UTC. Find your timezone in the list.


Options you can use to control the way how WAHA output the logs:

  • WAHA_LOG_FORMAT - supports formats:
    • WAHA_LOG_FORMAT=PRETTY - good for local development, default format
    • WAHA_LOG_FORMAT=JSON - can be useful if you’re using central logging management system
  • WAHA_LOG_LEVEL - how much information to log error | warn | info | debug | trace.
    • 👉 Do not set debug and trace in production, it gives too many logs.
  • WAHA_HTTP_LOG_LEVEL=info - controls the level of request completed log (HTTP access), you can set it to error | warn | info | debug | trace.
  • DEBUG=1 - you can set this environment variable as a shortcut for WAHA_LOG_LEVEL=debug, DEBUG=1 overrides the WAHA_LOG_LEVEL to debug if both defined. 👉 Learn more about logging configuration on 🔍 Observability page.


  • WAHA_AUTO_START_DELAY_SECONDS=0 - when docker container restarts, WAHA starts all STOPPED session (or all session if you set WAHA_RESTART_ALL_SESSIONS=True). You can set the delay between session restarts in seconds.
    • By default, it’s 0.
    • WEBJS - consider setting it to 5 if you have many sessions
    • NOWEB - it’s fine to leave to 0 or you can increase to 1 if you experience issues with starting sessions.
  • WAHA_PRINT_QR=True - set this variable to False to disable printing QR codes to the console. By default, True.
  • WAHA_WORKER_ID=waha1 - set the worker ID for the session.
    • Workers restore sessions if worker got restarted. If you have multiple workers, each worker will restore its own sessions.
  • WHATSAPP_RESTART_ALL_SESSIONS=True: Set this variable to True to start all STOPPED sessions after container restarts. By default, this variable is set to False.

Rarely used:

  • WAHA_WORKER_RESTART_SESSIONS=True - restart all sessions when the worker is restarted. By default, True.
  • WHATSAPP_START_SESSION=session1,session2: This variable can be used to start sessions with the specified names right after launching the API. Separate session names with a comma.
  • WAHA_ZIPPER=ZIPUNZIP - use zip and unzip system binaries to pack WEBJS authentication data. Disabled by default.
    • It’s relevant if you’re using WEBJS + MongoDB. Install zip and unzip if you don’t use our official docker image and set the variable

Read more:


You can use some of the following environment variables to configure the WEBJS session:

  • WAHA_WEBJS_CACHE_TYPE=local - enable cache (aka use the latest version) for the web page in the browser. By default, it’s none (no cache)
  • WAHA_WEBJS_WEB_VERSION=2.3000.XXXX - set the version of the WhatsApp Web to use. By default, we’re using the latest compatible version. Only works with local cache type.


💡 You can open https://webhook.site and paste UUID from it to url field, and you’ll see all requests immediately in your browser to intercept the webhook’s payload.

Global webhooks

There’s a way how you can configure 🔄 Webhooks for ALL sessions - by settings these environment variables:

  • WHATSAPP_HOOK_URL=https://webhook.site/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111 - to set up a URL for the webhook
  • WHATSAPP_HOOK_EVENTS=message,message.any,state.change - specify events. Do not specify all of them, it’s too heavy payload, choose the right for you.
  • WHATSAPP_HOOK_EVENTS=* - subscribe to all events. It’s not recommended for production, but it’s fine for development.

Session webhooks

You can configure webhook when you start session by setting config.webhook fields.

Read more about it on 🖥️ Sessions.


  • WHATSAPP_SWAGGER_CONFIG_ADVANCED=true - enables advanced configuration options for Swagger documentation - you can customize host, port and base URL for the requests. Disabled by default.
  • WHATSAPP_SWAGGER_ENABLED=false - disables Swagger documentation. Enabled by default. Available in WAHA Plus only.
  • WHATSAPP_SWAGGER_USERNAME=admin and WHATSAPP_SWAGGER_PASSWORD=admin - these variables can be used to protect the Swagger panel with admin / admin credentials. This does not affect API access. Available in WAHA Plus only.

Read more about Swagger configuration on 📚 Swagger.


Global proxy

If you need to use a proxy, you can set the following environment variables:

  • WHATSAPP_PROXY_SERVER=localhost:3128: Use this variable to set the proxy server in the format host:port, without http or https.
  • WHATSAPP_PROXY_SERVER_USERNAME=username and WHATSAPP_PROXY_SERVER_PASSWORD=password: Use these variables to set up credentials for the proxy.
  • WHATSAPP_PROXY_SERVER_LIST=host1.example.com:3138,host2.example.com:3138: Use this variable to set a comma-separated list of addresses to use, using a round-robin algorithm to choose the server for the session.
  • WHATSAPP_PROXY_SERVER_INDEX_PREFIX=proxy-: Use this variable to parse the session name for the prefix and find the appropriate session. For example, if you have set WHATSAPP_PROXY_SERVER_LIST=host-first:80,host-second:80,host-third:80 and WHATSAPP_PROXY_SERVER_INDEX_PREFIX=proxy- and you run proxy-3 session, the host-third:80 proxy will be chosen for that session. This is a way to select a proxy from while you start session.

Session proxy

You can configure proxy when you start session by setting config.proxy fields. Read more about it on Session page ->.

Keep in mind that session’s proxy configuration takes precedence over proxy configuration set by environment variables!


💡 We recommend handling HTTPS termination with a reverse proxy like Nginx - kindly follow 🔧 Install & Update - Additional Steps to set up Nginx with Let’s Encrypt.

However, you can enable HTTPS directly in WAHA by setting the following environment variables:

  • WAHA_HTTPS_ENABLED=true: Set this variable to true to enable HTTPS. By default, it’s false.
  • WAHA_HTTPS_PATH_KEY=/path/to/key.pem: The path to the key file for HTTPS. By default ./.secrets/privkey.pem
  • WAHA_HTTPS_PATH_CERT=/path/to/cert.pem: The path to the certificate file for HTTPS. By default ./.secrets/cert.pem
  • WAHA_HTTPS_PATH_CA=/path/to/ca.pem: The path to the CA file for HTTPS. By default ./.secrets/chain.pem

Read more about HTTPS options and how to configure it on 🔒 Security page.


Security is available in WAHA Plus only.

  • WHATSAPP_API_KEY=mysecret: If you set this variable, you must include the X-Api-Key: mysecret header in all requests to the API. This will protect the API with a secret code.
  • WHATSAPP_SWAGGER_USERNAME=admin and WHATSAPP_SWAGGER_PASSWORD=admin: These variables can be used to protect the Swagger panel with admin / admin credentials. This does not affect API access. Read more about security settings for Swagger and API on 🔒 Security*.


Files configuration is available in WAHA Plus only.

Files - Local

The following environment variables can be used to configure the file storage options for the WAHA:

  • WHATSAPP_FILES_MIMETYPES: This variable can be used to download only specific mimetypes from messages. By default, all files are downloaded. The mimetypes must be separated by a comma, without spaces. For example: audio,image/png,image/gif. To choose a specific type, use a prefix (like audio,image). See usage below.
  • WHATSAPP_DOWNLOAD_MEDIA=true - this variable can be used to completely disable downloading media files. By default, all files are downloaded. Set this variable to WHATSAPP_DOWNLOAD_MEDIA=false to disable downloading media files.
    • Under the hood, it sets WHATSAPP_FILES_MIMETYPES=mimetype/ignore-all-media to ignore all media files.
  • WHATSAPP_FILES_LIFETIME: This variable can be used to set the time (in seconds) after which files will be removed to free up space. The default value is 180.
    • Set this variable to 0 to disable the file lifetime.
  • WHATSAPP_FILES_FOLDER: This variable can be used to set the folder where files from chats (images, voice messages) will be stored. The default value is /tmp/whatsapp-files.
  • Also read more about Media Storages on the dedicated page ->

💡 Even if WAHA doesn’t process the message media because of WHATSAPP_FILES_MIMETYPES or WHATSAPP_DOWNLOAD_MEDIA you’ll get a webhook event with hasMedia: True field, but with no media.url.

  "event": "message",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "hasMedia": true,
    "media": {
      "url": null,
      "mimetype": "video/mp4",
      "filename": null,
      "error": null // if there was an error during file download

👉 Learn more on 🗄️ Storages page.

Files - S3

  • WAHA_MEDIA_STORAGE=S3 - enable the S3 storage
  • WAHA_S3_REGION=eu-west-1 - the region of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_BUCKET=waha - the name of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin - the access key of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minioadmin - the secret access key of the S3 bucket
  • WAHA_S3_ENDPOINT= - the endpoint of the S3 bucket (not required for AWS S3)
  • WAHA_S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE=True - force path style for the S3 bucket (not required for AWS S3)
  • WAHA_S3_PROXY_FILES - proxy media files through WAHA (False by default)
    • WAHA_S3_PROXY_FILES=False - generate pre-signed URLs for media files and send them to the client in media.url
    • WAHA_S3_PROXY_FILES=True - WAHA will proxy media files through itself in media.url

👉 Learn more on 🗄️ Storages page.

Health Check

Health check is available in WAHA Plus only.

The following environment variables can be used to configure the Health Check ->:

  • WHATSAPP_HEALTH_MEDIA_FILES_THRESHOLD_MB - the threshold in MB for the media files storage. The default value is 100.
  • WHATSAPP_HEALTH_SESSIONS_FILES_THRESHOLD_MB - the threshold in MB for the sessions files storage. The default value is 100.
  • WHATSAPP_HEALTH_MONGODB_TIMEOUT - the timeout in milliseconds for the MongoDB health check. The default value is 5000.

👉 Learn more on 🔍 Observability page.