👥 Groups


Here’s the list of features that are available by 🏭 Engines:

POST /api/{session}/groups✔️✔️
GET /api/{session}/groups✔️✔️
GET /api/{session}/groups/join-info✔️✔️
POST /api/{session}/groups/join✔️✔️
GET /api/{session}/groups/{id}✔️✔️
DELETE /api/{session}/groups/{id}✔️
GET /api/{session}/groups/{id}/settings/security/info-admin-only✔️
PUT /api/{session}/groups/{id}/settings/security/info-admin-only✔️
GET /api/{session}/groups/{id}/settings/security/messages-admin-only✔️
PUT /api/{session}/groups/{id}/settings/security/messages-admin-only✔️
POST /api/{session}/groups/{id}/leave✔️✔️
PUT /api/{session}/groups/{id}/description✔️✔️
PUT /api/{session}/groups/{id}/subject✔️✔️
GET /api/{session}/groups/{id}/invite-code✔️✔️
POST /api/{session}/groups/{id}/invite-code/revoke✔️✔️
GET /api/{session}/groups/{id}/participants✔️✔️
POST /api/{session}/groups/{id}/participants/add✔️✔️
POST /api/{session}/groups/{id}/participants/remove✔️✔️
POST /api/{session}/groups/{id}/admin/promote✔️✔️
POST /api/{session}/groups/{id}/admin/demote✔️✔️

If you see the feature is not available in the above list, please create a feature request or leave “+1” comment on the existing one.


  • {session} - use the session name for Whatsapp instance that you created with POST /api/session endpoint
  • {groupId} - group id in format 123123123123@g.us. You can get the id in a few ways:

Create a new group

POST /api/{session}/groups


  "name": "Group name",
  "participants": [
      "id": "123123123123@c.us"

Get all groups

GET /api/{session}/groups

👉 If you see rate-overlimit error with NOWEB engine - try enabling 🏭 NOWEB Store before using the endpoint!

Groups Pagination

If you see timeout or the request takes too long - consider using limit parameter to get objects in smaller chunks

GET /api/{session}/groups?limit=10&offset=0&sortBy=subject&sortOrder=desc
  • limit=10 - limit the number of chats to return
  • offset=0 - skip the number of chats from the start
  • sortBy={field} - sort by field
    • sortBy=id - sort by group id
    • sortBy=subject - sort by group subject
  • sortOrder=desc|asc - sort order
    • desc - descending order (New first, A-Z)
    • asc - ascending order (Old first, Z-A)

Join group

If you have invite URL for a group (like https://chat.whatsapp.com/invitecode), you can

POST /api/{session}/groups/join


  "code": "invitecode"

or using full link:

  "code": "https://chat.whatsapp.com/invitecode"


  "id": "123123123@g.us"

Get join info for group

If you have invite URL for a group (like https://chat.whatsapp.com/invitecode), you can get group info:

GET /api/{session}/groups/join-info?code=invitecode

or using full link (remember to encode the URL)

GET /api/{session}/groups/join-info?code=https%3A%2F%2Fchat.whatsapp.com%2Finvitecode

Response depends on engine you’re using

Refresh groups

If you see any inconsistency in groups list or in participants list, you can refresh the groups from the WhatsApp server:

POST /api/{session}/groups/refresh

⚠️ Do not call it frequently, it can lead to rate-overlimit error. Usually groups API has all up-to-date information.

Get the group

GET /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}

Delete the group

DELETE /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}

Leave the group

POST /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/leave

Set group subject

Updates the group subject.

Returns true if the subject was properly updated. This can return false if the user does not have the necessary permissions.

PUT /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/subject


  "subject": "Group name"

Set group description

Updates the group description.

Returns true if the subject was properly updated. This can return false if the user does not have the necessary permissions.

PUT /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/description


  "description": "Group description"

Security - update group info

Updates the group settings to only allow admins to edit group info (title, description, photo). PUT /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/settings/security/info-admin-only

  "adminsOnly": true

Get the group settings to only allow admins to edit group info (title, description, photo).

GET /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/settings/security/info-admin-only

  "adminsOnly": true

Returns true if the setting was properly updated. This can return false if the user does not have the necessary permissions.

Security - who can send messages

Updates the group settings to only allow admins to send messages.

PUT /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/settings/security/messages-admin-only

  "adminsOnly": true

Returns true if the setting was properly updated. This can return false if the user does not have the necessary permissions.

Get the group settings to only allow admins to send messages.

GET /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/settings/security/messages-admin-only

  "adminsOnly": true


Get participants

GET /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/participants

Add participants

POST /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/participants/add

  "participants": [
      "id": "123123123123@c.us"

Remove participants

POST /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/participants/remove

  "participants": [
      "id": "123123123123@c.us"


Promote to admin

Promote participants to admin users.

POST /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/admin/promote

  "participants": [
      "id": "123123123123@c.us"

Demote to regular users

Demote participants by to regular users.

POST /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/admin/demote

  "participants": [
      "id": "123123123123@c.us"

Invite code

Get invite code

GET /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/invite-code

Then you can put it in the url https://chat.whatsapp.com/{inviteCode} and send it to contacts.

Revoke invite code

Invalidates the current group invite code and generates a new one.

POST /api/{session}/groups/{groupId}/invite-code/revoke


See the list of engines that support the feature ->.


  "event": "group.join",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {


  "event": "group.leave",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {