🔧 Install & Update

How to install and update WAHA

👉 If you wish to follow a Step-By-Step guide which show you how to send you first message via HTTP API please go to ⚡ Quick Start.

You probably already have run the docker run command during ⚡ Quick Start guide:

docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000/tcp --name waha devlikeapro/waha

☝️ The above command is good for testing and development purposes, but not for production.

To make it production-ready, you need to configure few more parameters to make it secure, reliable, and easy to manage.


System Requirements

You can use any operating system for host system (Linux, Windows or macOS) as long as you have Docker installed, and it can run Linux containers.

💡 We recommend using Linux with Debian or Ubuntu based distributions.

We strongly recommend using VPS or servers with minimum 2CPU and 2GB RAM configuration for the project even for a single session. If you want to host more sessions - please check the numbers in FAQ.

Linux 👉 We suggest using Debian or Ubuntu based distributions.

👉 For Windows we kindly suggest using Hyper-V backend for Docker Desktop!

It might not work with WSL2 backend properly.

Looking for a reliable VPS to host WAHA?
🖥️ We personally use PQ.hosting - fast, affordable, and super stable! 🚀


Before proceeding, make sure you have the latest version of docker and docker compose installed.

As of now at the time of writing this doc, we recommend a version equal to or higher than the following.

$ docker --version
Docker version 26.1.3, build b72abbb
$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.27.0
Why Docker?

Docker makes it easy to ship all-in-one solution with the runtime and dependencies. You don’t have to worry about language-specific libraries or chrome installation.

Also, Docker makes installation and update processes so simple, just one command!

Why Docker Compose? Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running Docker applications. With Compose, you use a YAML file to configure your application’s services. Then, with a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration.

Get docker image

We’ll use ➕ WAHA Plus docker image in the guide:

docker login -u devlikeapro -p {KEY}
docker pull devlikeapro/waha-plus
docker logout

👉 Go to Docker Image Configurator to generate the command with the latest version and your key!

Alternatively, you can use the WAHA Core image:

docker pull devlikeapro/waha
If you see
docker: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries

Looks like you’re using ARM architecture, you need to use the :arm tag for the image.

docker login -u devlikeapro -p {KEY}
docker pull devlikeapro/waha-plus:arm
docker logout

# Rename it, so you can use devlikeapro/waha image in other place
docker tag devlikeapro/waha-plus:arm devlikeapro/waha-plus

👉 Go to Docker Image Configurator to generate the command with the latest version and your key!

macOS (Apple Silicon)

👉 If you’re using Apple Silicon (like Apple M1) - you need to use the :arm tag for the image.

Go to Docker Image Configurator to generate the command with the right image.

Raspberry Pi

👉 If you’re using Raspberry Pi - you need to use the :arm tag for the image (depends on your CPU arch tho)

Go to Docker Image Configurator to generate the command with the right image.


  1. Install Docker on your VM
# example in ubuntu
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
apt install docker-compose-plugin
  1. Download the required files
# Download the env file template
wget -O .env https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devlikeapro/waha/refs/heads/core/.env.example
# Download the Docker compose template
wget -O docker-compose.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devlikeapro/waha/refs/heads/core/docker-compose.yaml
  1. Tweak the .env and docker-compose.yaml according to your preferences. Refer to the available environment variables in ⚙️ Configuration.

Some important values you MUST change before running it:

  • API Key for secure API access. Read more 🔒 Security
  • Username, password for 📊 Dashboard:
  • Username, password for 📚 Swagger:
# update .env file with your values
nano .env
# update docker-compose.yaml - like image
# Remove "mongodb" and "minio" services if you don't need them
# Leave "waha" service as it is
nano docker-compose.yaml
  1. Get the service up and running.
docker compose up -d
  1. Your WAHA installation is complete. Please note that the containers are not exposed to the internet, and they only bind to the localhost. Setup something like Nginx or any other proxy server to proxy the requests to the container.

  2. Now, open http://localhost:3000/dashboard and login with the credentials you’ve set (waha/waha by default).

Also, you could temporarily drop the for waha to 3000:3000 in the compose file to access your instance at http://<your-external-ip>:3000. It’s recommended to revert this change back and use Nginx or some proxy server in the front.

Additional Steps

Configure Nginx and Let’s Encrypt

👉 Replace <YOURDOMAIN.COM> with your domain name in the following steps (use lowercase).

  1. Configure Nginx to serve as a frontend proxy.
sudo apt-get install nginx
cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

nano <YOURDOMAIN.COM>.conf
  1. Use the following Nginx config and replace the <YOURDOMAIN.COM> in server_name.
server {
  server_name <YOURDOMAIN.COM>;

  # Point upstream to WAHA Server
  set $upstream;

  location /.well-known {
    alias /var/www/ssl-proof/waha/.well-known;

  location / {
    proxy_pass_header Authorization;
    proxy_pass http://$upstream;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on; # Optional

    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Connection “”;
    proxy_buffering off;

    client_max_body_size 0;
    proxy_read_timeout 36000s;
    proxy_redirect off;
  listen 80;
  1. Verify and reload your Nginx config by running the following command.
nginx -t
systemctl reload nginx
  1. Run Let’s Encrypt to configure SSL certificate. (replace <YOURDOMAIN.COM>!)
apt install certbot
apt-get install python3-certbot-nginx
mkdir -p /var/www/ssl-proof/waha/.well-known

certbot --webroot -w /var/www/ssl-proof/waha/ -d <YOURDOMAIN.COM> -i nginx
  1. Your WAHA installation should be accessible from the https://yourdomain.com now.
  2. Change WAHA_BASE_URL=https://<YOURDOMAIN.COM> in the .env file and restart the WAHA service
# Change the WAHA_BASE_URL in .env
nano .env
# Restart the WAHA service
docker compose up -d
docker compose restart


When there’s a new version of WAHA, you can update it with a single commands:

➕ WAHA Plus image:

# Login if you're using WAHA Plus
docker login -u devlikeapro -p {KEY}
docker compose pull
docker logout

docker compose up -d

👉 If you specified exact version in docker-compose.yml, like

image: devlikeapro/waha-plus:latest-2024.7.8

remember to change it to latest-{YEAR}.{MONTH}.{BUILD} to get the latest version.

WAHA Core image:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Get logs, restart, stop

# Stop all containers
docker compose down
# Start all containers, apply new configuration
docker compose up -d
# Restart all containers
docker compose restart
# Show logs in real time
docker compose logs -f
# Show logs - since interval
docker compose logs --since 1h  

What is next?