🏷️ Labels

You can work with WhatsApp Labels available in WhatsApp Business using the API!


Here’s the list of features that are available by 🏭 Engines:

Get labels
GET /api/{session}/labels
Create label
POST /api/{session}/labels
Update label
PUT /api/{session}/labels/{labelId}
Delete label
DELETE /api/{session}/labels/{labelId}
Get chats by label id
GET /api/{session}/labels/{labelId}/chats
Get labels by chat id
GET /api/{session}/labels/chats/{chatId}/
PUT labels to chat
PUT /api/{session}/labels/chats/{chatId}/

If you see the feature is not available in the above list, please create a feature request or leave “+1” comment on the existing one.

Label color

You’ll see two color-related fields in the body and response:

  • color: 1 - internal color number, 0-19 values.
  • colorHex: #64c4ff - is the latest know hex color for the label

⚠️ It’s possible that color - colorHex map will be changed so consider using color value instead when creating or updating labels.

Here’s the current color map (color - colorHex - preview):

  • 0 - #ff9485 -
  • 1 - #64c4ff -
  • 2 - #ffd429 -
  • 3 - #dfaef0 -
  • 4 - #99b6c1 -
  • 5 - #55ccb3 -
  • 6 - #ff9dff -
  • 7 - #d3a91d -
  • 8 - #6d7cce -
  • 9 - #d7e752 -
  • 10 - #00d0e2 -
  • 11 - #ffc5c7 -
  • 12 - #93ceac -
  • 13 - #f74848 -
  • 14 - #00a0f2 -
  • 15 - #83e422 -
  • 16 - #ffaf04 -
  • 17 - #b5ebff -
  • 18 - #9ba6ff -
  • 19 - #9368cf -


Get labels

You can get a list of labels for the session using the endpoint:

GET /api/{session}/labels


    "id": "1",
    "name": "New Client",
    "color": 1,
    "colorHex": "#64c4ff"

Create label

POST /api/{session}/labels

Using color

  "name": "New Client",
  "color": 1

Using colorHex

  "name": "New Client",
  "colorHex" : "#64c4ff"

Update label

PUT /api/{session}/labels/{labelId}

Using color

  "name": "New Client",
  "color": 1

Using colorHex

  "name": "New Client",
  "colorHex" : "#64c4ff"

Delete label

DELETE /api/{session}/labels/{labelId}

Get chats by label id

You can get a list of chats by label id using the endpoint:

GET /api/{session}/labels/{labelId}/chats

ℹ️ Response right now depends on 🏭 Engine you’re using, the same way as 💬 Chats

Get labels by chat id

You can get a list of labels by chat id using the endpoint:

GET /api/{session}/labels/chats/{chatId}/


    "id": "1",
    "name": "New Client",
    "color": 1,
    "colorHex": "#64c4ff"

Update labels to chat

PUT /api/{session}/labels/chats/{chatId}/

Upsert label:

👉 You need to provide the full list of labels you want to set to the chat. All other labels will be removed.

  "labels": [
      "id": "1"

Remove labels:

  "labels": []



  "event": "label.upsert",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "10",
    "name": "Label Name",
    "color": 14,
    "colorHex": "#00a0f2"
  "engine": "NOWEB",


  "event": "label.deleted",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "10",
    "name": "",
    "color": 14,
    "colorHex": "#00a0f2"
  "engine": "NOWEB",


  "event": "label.chat.added",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "labelId": "6",
    "chatId": "11111111111@c.us",
    "label": null <=== right after scanning QR it can be null. 
  "engine": "NOWEB",


  "event": "label.chat.deleted",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "labelId": "6",
    "chatId": "11111111111@c.us",
    "label": null
  "engine": "NOWEB",