🔍 Observability


Options you can use to control the way how WAHA output the logs:

  • WAHA_LOG_FORMAT - supports formats:
    • WAHA_LOG_FORMAT=PRETTY - good for local development, default format
    • WAHA_LOG_FORMAT=JSON - can be useful if you’re using central logging management system
  • WAHA_LOG_LEVEL - how much information to log error | warn | info | debug | trace.
    • 👉 Do not set debug and trace in production, it gives too many logs.
  • WAHA_HTTP_LOG_LEVEL=info - controls the level of request completed log (HTTP access), you can set it to error | warn | info | debug | trace.
  • DEBUG=1 - you can set this environment variable as a shortcut for WAHA_LOG_LEVEL=debug, DEBUG=1 overrides the WAHA_LOG_LEVEL to debug if both defined.

Session logging

You can enable debug mode for a session by setting config.debug field to true when Starting a session

Can be useful for debugging purposes when you’re experiencing some issues.

  "name": "default",
  "config": {
    "debug": true


Returns a simple response to check if the service is running.

GET /ping
  "message": "pong"

Get server version

Returns the version of the installed docker image.

GET /api/server/version
  "version": "2024.2.3",
  "engine": "NOWEB",
  "tier": "PLUS",
  "browser": "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable"

Get server environment variables

Returns the environment variables of the server

Return only WAHA related variables.

GET /api/server/environment?all=false
  "DEBUG": "1",
  "WAHA_HTTP_LOG_LEVEL": "debug",

Return all environment variables

GET /api/server/environment?all=true
  "DEBUG": "1",
  "WAHA_HTTP_LOG_LEVEL": "debug",
  "PATH": "/home/...",

Get server status

Returns the server status, start timestamp, and uptime.

GET /api/server/status
  "startTimestamp": 1723788847247,
  "uptime": 3600000

Restart (stop) server

You can stop the server by calling

POST /api/server/stop
  // By default, it gracefully stop all sessions and connections
  // but you can force it to stop immediately
  "force": false

👉 If you’re using Docker and followed 🔧 Install & Update guide, Docker will automatically restart the server, so you can use this endpoint to restart the server.

Health Check

Health check is available in WAHA Plus only.

The health check endpoint is used to determine the health of the service.

GET /health

It returns a 200 OK status code if the service is healthy.

The response format:

  "status": "ok",
  "info": {
    "metric1": {
      "field": "value"
    "metric2": {
      "field": "value"
  "error": {},
  "details": {}


  • status: 'error' | 'ok' | 'shutting_down' - If any health indicator failed the status will be 'error'. If the app is shutting down but still accepting HTTP requests, the health check will have the 'shutting_down' status.
  • info: Object containing information of each health indicator which is of status 'up', or in other words “healthy”.
  • error: Object containing information of each health indicator which is of status 'down', or in other words " unhealthy".
  • details: Object containing detailed information of each health indicator.

Health Check Indicators

Few things we check in the health check:

  • Media files storage space - mediaFiles.space
  • Sessions files storage space - sessionsFiles.space
  • MongoDB connection - mongodb


The following environment variables can be used to configure the health check:

  • WHATSAPP_HEALTH_MEDIA_FILES_THRESHOLD_MB - the threshold in MB for the media files storage. The default value is 100.
  • WHATSAPP_HEALTH_SESSIONS_FILES_THRESHOLD_MB - the threshold in MB for the sessions files storage. The default value is 100.
  • WHATSAPP_HEALTH_MONGODB_TIMEOUT - the timeout in milliseconds for the MongoDB health check. The default value is 5000.


Healthy response when you use Local Storage for session authentication:

200 OK

  "status": "ok",
  "info": {
    "mediaFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/tmp/whatsapp-files",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132979355648,
      "threshold": 104857600
    "sessionsFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/app/.sessions",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132979355648,
      "threshold": 104857600
  "error": {},
  "details": {
    "mediaFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/tmp/whatsapp-files",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132979355648,
      "threshold": 104857600
    "sessionsFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/app/.sessions",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132979355648,
      "threshold": 104857600

Healthy response when you use MongoDB Storage for session authentication:

200 OK

  "status": "ok",
  "info": {
    "mediaFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/tmp/whatsapp-files",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132977496064,
      "threshold": 104857600
    "mongodb": {
      "status": "up",
      "message": "Up and running"
  "error": {},
  "details": {
    "mediaFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/tmp/whatsapp-files",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132977496064,
      "threshold": 104857600
    "mongodb": {
      "status": "up",
      "message": "Up and running"

Unhealthy response example

503 Service Unavailable

  "status": "error",
  "info": {
    "mediaFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/tmp/whatsapp-files",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132976623616,
      "threshold": 104857600
  "error": {
    "mongodb": {
      "status": "down",
      "error": "Timeout"
  "details": {
    "mediaFiles.space": {
      "status": "up",
      "path": "/tmp/whatsapp-files",
      "diskPath": "/",
      "free": 132976623616,
      "threshold": 104857600
    "mongodb": {
      "status": "down",
      "error": "Timeout"

Get Node.js heapsnapshot

GET /api/server/debug/heapsnapshot

⚠️ For troubleshooting usage only

Creates and download heap dump for Node.js.

You need to enabled it by setting WAHA_DEBUG_MODE=True before you can use it.