✅ Presence

You can get presence information (online, offline with last seen, typing status) for a contact if they share their presence information.

Possible presence statuses that you can set or get for chats:

  • online
  • offline
  • typing
  • recording
  • paused resets the chat presence after you were typing


👉 I don’t get notifications on my phone when WAHA session is connected

  • You need to send offline after all presence you send (WhatsApp doesn’t send notifications to the device if a web client is active).
  • For 🏭 NOWEB Engine also mark sure to send markOnline: false when you create a new session.


Here’s the list of features that are available by 🏭 Engines:

POST /api/{session}/presence✔️✔️✔️
GET /api/{session}/presence✔️✔️
GET /api/{session}/presence/{chatId}✔️✔️
POST /api/{session}/presence/{chatId}/subscribe✔️✔️

If you see the feature is not available in the above list, please create a feature request or leave “+1” comment on the existing one.


See the list of engines that support the feature ->.

Set presence

You can set your global or chat-related presence with endpoint

POST /api/{session}/presence

Start typing to a chat (you can use POST /startTyping instead)

POST /api/{session}/presence
  "chatId": "111111111@c.us",
  "presence": "typing"

Clear “typing” state (you can use POST /stopTyping instead)

  "chatId": "111111111@c.us",
  "presence": "paused"

Set global “online”, all contacts will see it

  "presence": "online"

💡 In the multi-device version of WhatsApp - if a desktop client is active, WhatsApp doesn’t send push notifications to the device. If you would like to receive said notifications - you need to mark a session’s presence as offline.

  "presence": "offline"

Get all chats presence

You can get all presence information available for a session by calling

GET /api/{session}/presence

It returns both groups’ and personal chats’ presence information.

Here’s few notes about fields:

  • chatId - either contact id (213213213@c.us) or group chat id (1111111111111@g.us).
  • lastSeen - contains Unix timestamps indicating when a participant was last online
  • lastKnownPresence - contains the last known presence status, which can be offline, online, typing, recording, or paused
    "id": "2132132130@c.us",
    "presences": [
        "participant": "2132132130@c.us",
        "lastKnownPresence": "offline",
        "lastSeen": 1686719326
    "id": "11111111111111111111111@g.us",
    "presences": [
        "participant": "11111111111111111111111@g.us",
        "lastKnownPresence": "online",
        "lastSeen": null
        "participant": "2132132130@c.us",
        "lastKnownPresence": "offline",
        "lastSeen": 1686719326

Get chat presence

To get presence information for a single chat - call GET /api/{session}/presence/{chatId}. For a group, you’ll get participants’ statuses.

  "id": "2132132130@c.us",
  "presences": [
      "participant": "2132132130@c.us",
      "lastKnownPresence": "online",
      "lastSeen": null

Subscribe to presence

You can subscribe to presence information by calling

POST /api/{session}/presence/{chatId}/subscribe

(no body required).

You can get later presence information for the chat with above GET endpoints or by listening to presence.update webhook.


See the list of engines that support the feature ->.


You can subscribe to presence.update webhook event to get the most recent presence information.

    "event": "presence.update",
    "session": "default",
    "payload": {
        "id": "111111111111111111@g.us",
        "presences": [
                "participant": "11111111111@c.us",
                "lastKnownPresence": "typing",
                "lastSeen": null
    "engine": "NOWEB"