🔄 Webhooks

In order to notify your application about events in the WhatsApp API, you can use Webhooks and Websockets.

👉 See the list of all available events in the Events section.

🌟 You can observe Events in real-time using 📊 Dashboard - Event Monitor!


Webhooks are a way for two different applications to communicate with each other in real-time. When a certain event happens in one application, it sends a message to another application through a webhook URL. The receiving application can then take action based on the information received.

Session webhooks

You can define webhooks configuration per session when you start it with POST /api/sessions/ request data.

Here’s a simple example:

  "name": "default",
  "config": {
    "webhooks": [
        "url": "https://webhook.site/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111",
        "events": [

Here’s available configuration options for webhooks

  "name": "default",
  "config": {
    "webhooks": [
        "url": "https://webhook.site/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111",
        "events": [
        "hmac": {
          "key": "your-secret-key"
        "retries": {
          "delaySeconds": 2,
          "attempts": 15
        "customHeaders": [
            "name": "X-My-Custom-Header",
            "value": "Value"

Global webhooks

There’s a way how you can configure webhooks for ALL sessions - by settings these environment variables:

  • WHATSAPP_HOOK_URL=https://webhook.site/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111 - to set up a URL for the webhook
  • WHATSAPP_HOOK_EVENTS=message,message.any,state.change - specify events. Do not specify all of them, it’s too heavy payload, choose the right for you.
  • WHATSAPP_HOOK_EVENTS=* - subscribe to all events. It’s not recommended for production, but it’s fine for development.

That webhook configuration does not appear in session.config field in GET /api/sessions/ request.

💡 You can open https://webhook.site and paste URL from it to url field, and you’ll see all requests immediately in your browser to intercept the webhook’s payload.


You can configure retry policy for webhooks by settings config.retries structure when POST /api/sessions/:

  "name": "default",
  "config": {
    "webhooks": [
        "url": "https://webhook.site/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111",
        "events": [
        "retries": {
          "delaySeconds": 2,
          "attempts": 15,
          "policy": "constant"

Possible policy:

  • constant - retry with the same delay between attempts (2, 2, 2, 2)
  • linear - retry with linear backoff (2, 4, 6, 8)
  • exponential - retry with exponential backoff with 20% jitter (2, 4.1, 8.4, 16.3).


When you receive a webhook request to your API endpoint, you’ll get those headers:

  • X-Webhook-Request-Id - unique request id for each webhook request.
  • X-Webhook-Timestamp - Unix timestamp in milliseconds when the webhook was sent.

If you’re using HMAC authentication you’ll get two additional headers:

  • X-Webhook-Hmac - message authentication code for the raw body in HTTP POST request that send to your endpoint.
  • X-Webhook-Hmac-Algorithm - sha512 - algorithm that have been used to create X-Webhook-Hmac value.

You can send any customer headers by defining config.webhooks.customHeaders fields this way:

  "name": "default",
  "config": {
    "webhooks": [
        "url": "https://webhook.site/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111",
        "events": [
        "customHeaders": [
            "name": "X-My-Custom-Header",
            "value": "Value"

HMAC authentication

You can authenticate webhook sender by using HMAC Authentication.

  1. Define you secret key in config.hmac.key field when you start session with POST /api/sessions/:
  "name": "default",
  "config": {
    "webhooks": [
        "url": "https://webhook.site/11111111-1111-1111-1111-11111111",
        "events": [
        "hmac": {
          "key": "your-secret-key"
  1. After that you’ll receive all webhooks payload with two additional headers:
  • X-Webhook-Hmac - message authentication code for the raw body in HTTP POST request that send to your endpoint.
  • X-Webhook-Hmac-Algorithm - sha512 - algorithm that have been used to create X-Webhook-Hmac value.
  1. Implement the authentication algorithm by hashing body and using secret key and then verifying it with X-Webhook-Hmac value. Please check your implementation here ->

Here’s example for

# Full body
# Secret key
# X-Webhook-Hmac-Algorithm
# X-Webhook-Hmac


Here’s few examples of how to handle webhook in different languages:

  1. Python guide

Do you use another language?

Please create a short guide how to handle webhook and send message after you finish your setup! You can create a pull request with your favorite language in the GitHub, in examples folder ->.


You can use Websockets to receive messages in real-time!

Install websocat first.

# Listen all sessions and events
# -E to end the connection when the server closes it
websocat -E ws://localhost:3000/ws

# Use secure (SSL/HTTPS) connection - add wss://
websocat -E wss://localhost:3000/ws

# Add your API key
websocat -E ws://localhost:3000/ws?x-api-key=123

# Listen all sessions and events
websocat -E ws://localhost:3000/ws?session=*&events=*

# Listen certain events
websocat -E ws://localhost:3000/ws?session=*&events=session.status&events=message

# If you want to see the logs and ping the server every 10 seconds
websocat -v --ping-interval=10 -E ws://localhost:3000/ws

# Listen certain session
websocat -E ws://localhost:3000/ws?session=default&events=session.status


  • session - session name, * for all sessions
  • events - comma-separated list of events, * for all events
  • x-api-key - your API key



// Configuration
const apiKey = '123'; // Replace with your API key
const baseUrl = 'ws://localhost:3000/ws';
const session = '*'; // Use '*' to listen to all sessions
const events = ['session.status', 'message']; // List of events to listen to

// Construct the WebSocket URL with query parameters
const queryParams = new URLSearchParams({
    'x-api-key': apiKey,
    ...events.reduce((acc, event) => ({ ...acc, events: event }), {}) // Add multiple 'events' params
const wsUrl = `${baseUrl}?${queryParams.toString()}`;

// Initialize WebSocket connection
const socket = new WebSocket(wsUrl);

// Handle incoming messages
socket.onmessage = (event) => {
    console.log('Received:', event.data);

// Handle errors
socket.onerror = (error) => {
    console.error('WebSocket Error:', error);

// Handle connection open
socket.onopen = () => {
    console.log('WebSocket connection established:', wsUrl);

// Handle connection close
socket.onclose = () => {
    console.log('WebSocket connection closed');

Event Payload


In Webhooks or Websockets you’ll receive the following payload:

  "id": "evt_1111111111111111111111111111",
  "event": "message",
  "session": "default",
  // 'metadata' provided when you created the session
  "metadata": {
    "user.id": "123",
    "user.email": "email@example.com"
  // me - your own contact, if authenticated and WORKING
  "me": {
    "id": "71111111111@c.us",
    "pushName": "~"
  "payload": {
    ... // event specific data
  "environment": {
    "tier": "PLUS",
    "version": "2023.10.12"
  "engine": "WEBJS"


You can provide additional metadata when you start the session with Start Session request data.

  "event": "message",
  "session": "default",
  // 'metadata' provided when you created the session
  "metadata": {
    "user.id": "123",
    "user.email": "email@example.com"

You’ll receive the same metadata in the webhook payload.


Here’s the list of features that are available by 🏭 Engines:



The session.status event is triggered when the session status changes.

  • STOPPED - session is stopped
  • STARTING - session is starting
  • SCAN_QR_CODE - session is required to scan QR code or login via phone number
    • When you receive the session.status event with SCAN_QR_CODE status, you can fetch updated QR ->
    • The SCAN_QR_CODE is issued every time when QR updated (WhatsApp requirements)
  • WORKING - session is working and ready to use
  • FAILED - session is failed due to some error. It’s likely that authorization is required again or device has been disconnected from that account. Try to restart the session and if it doesn’t help - logout and start the session again.
    "event": "session.status",
    "session": "default",
    "me": {
        "id": "7911111@c.us",
        "pushName": "~"
    "payload": {
        "status": "WORKING"
    "engine": "WEBJS",
    "environment": {
        "version": "2023.10.12",
        "engine": "WEBJS",
        "tier": "PLUS"


Incoming message (text/audio/files)

  "event": "message",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {
    "id": "true_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    "timestamp": 1667561485,
    "from": "11111111111@c.us",
    "fromMe": true,
    "to": "11111111111@c.us",
    "body": "Hi there!",
    "hasMedia": false,
    "ack": 1,
    "vCards": [],
    "_data": {


  • hasMedia: true | false - indicates if the message has media attached
  • media.url: http://localhost:8000/... - the URL to download the media
  • _data - internal engine data, can be different for each engine

It’s possible to have hasMedia: true, but media: null - it means WAHA didn’t download media due to configuration.


Fired on all message creations, including your own. The payload is the same as for message event.

  "event": "message.any",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {


Receive events when a message is reacted to by a user (or yourself reacting to a message).

  • payload.reaction.text - emoji that was used to react to the message. It’ll be an empty string if the reaction was removed.
  • payload.reaction.messageId - id of the message that was reacted to.
    "event": "message.reaction",
    "session": "default",
    "me": {
        "id": "79222222222@c.us",
        "pushName": "WAHA"
    "payload": {
        "id": "false_79111111@c.us_11111111111111111111111111111111",
        "from": "79111111@c.us",
        "fromMe": false,
        "participant": "79111111@c.us",
        "to": "79111111@c.us",
        "timestamp": 1710481111.853,
        "reaction": {
            "text": "🙏",
            "messageId": "true_79111111@c.us_11111111111111111111111111111111"
    "engine": "WEBJS",
    "environment": {
        "version": "2024.3.3",
        "engine": "WEBJS",
        "tier": "PLUS",
        "browser": "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable"


Receive events when server or recipient gets the message, read or played it.

ackName field contains message status (ack has the same meaning, but show the value in int, but we keep it for backward compatability, they much to each other)

Possible message ack statuses:

  • ackName: ERROR, ack: -1
  • ackName: PENDING, ack: 0
  • ackName: SERVER, ack: 1
  • ackName: DEVICE, ack: 2
  • ackName: READ, ack: 3
  • ackName: PLAYED, ack: 4

The payload may have more fields, it depends on the engine you use, but here’s a minimum amount that all engines send:

  "event": "message.ack",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {
    "participant": null,


Happens when you see Waiting for this message. This may take a while. on your phone.

waiting for this message

  "event": "message.waiting",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {
    "id": "true_11111111111@c.us_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
    "timestamp": 1667561485,
    "from": "11111111111@c.us",
    "fromMe": true,
    "to": "11111111111@c.us",
    "_data": {


The message.revoked event is triggered when a user, whether it be you or any other participant, revokes a previously sent message.

  "event": "message.revoked",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "before": {
      "id": "some-id-here",
      "timestamp": "some-timestamp-here",
      "body": "Hi there!"
    "after": {
      "id": "some-id-here",
      "timestamp": "some-timestamp-here",
      "body": ""

Important notes:

  1. The above messages’ ids don’t match any of the ids you’ll receive in the message event, it’s a different id.
  2. In order to find the message that was revoked, you’ll need to search for the message with the same timestamp and chat id as the one in the after object.
  3. before field can be null in some cases.


The chat.archive event is triggered when a chat is archived or unarchived.

  "event": "chat.archive",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "123123123@c.us",
    "timestamp": 1667561485,
    "archived": true <== or false


group.v2.join happens when you join or are added to a group.

  "event": "group.v2.join",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "group": {
      "id": "1231231232@g.us",
      "subject": "Work Group",
      "description": "Group description",
      "invite": "https://chat.whatsapp.com/invitecode",
      "membersCanAddNewMember": true,
      "membersCanSendMessages": true,
      "newMembersApprovalRequired": true,
      "participants": [
          "id": "99999@c.us",
          "role": "participant"
    "timestamp": 789456123,
    "_data": {}
  • group - group information
    • id - group ID
    • subject - group name
    • description - group description
    • invite - invite link
    • membersCanAddNewMember - if members can add new members
    • membersCanSendMessages - if members can send messages
    • newMembersApprovalRequired - if new members need approval from admins
    • participants - list of participants (check group.v2.participants for more details)
  • timestamp - event timestamp
  • _data - engine specific data


group.v2.leave happens when you leave or are removed from a group.

  "event": "group.v2.leave",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "group": {
      "id": "1231231232@g.us"
    "timestamp": 789456123,
    "_data": {}
  • group.id - group ID
  • timestamp - event timestamp
  • _data - engine specific data


group.v2.participants happens when someone join or leave a group.

ℹ️ It might duplicate group.v2.join and group.v2.leave events for your ID.

  "event": "group.v2.participants",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "type": "join",
    "timestamp": 1666943582,
    "group": {
      "id": "123456789@g.us"
    "participants": [
        "id": "123456789@c.us",
        "role": "participant"
    "_data": {}
  • type - event type. Possible values:
    • join - when someone joins the group
    • leave - when someone leaves the group
    • promote - when someone is promoted to admin
    • demote - when someone is demoted to regular participant
  • participants - list of participants (contains only changed participants)
    • id - participant ID
    • role - participant role. Possible values:
      • left - left the group
      • participant - regular participant
      • admin - group admin
      • superadmin - group super admin
  • _data - engine specific data


group.v2.update happens when the group information is updated.

  "event": "group.v2.update",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "group": {
      "id": "1231231232@g.us",
      "subject": "New Work Group Name"
    "timestamp": 789456123,
    "_data": {}
  • group - group information with updates field (may contain all fields in some engines)
  • timestamp - event timestamp
  • _data - engine specific data


  • payload.id indicates the chat - either direct chat with a contact or a group chat.
  • payload.id.[].participant - certain participant presence status. For a direct chat there’s only one participant.
    "event": "presence.update",
    "session": "default",
    "engine": "NOWEB",
    "payload": {
        "id": "111111111111111111@g.us",
        "presences": [
                "participant": "11111111111@c.us",
                "lastKnownPresence": "typing",
                "lastSeen": null


We have a dedicated page how to send polls and receive votes!

  "event": "poll.vote",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "vote": {
      "id": "false_1111111111@c.us_83ACBE602A05C79B234B54415E95EE8A",
      "to": "me",
      "from": "1111111@c.us",
      "fromMe": false,
      "selectedOptions": ["Awesome!"],
      "timestamp": 1692861427
    "poll": {
      "id": "true_1111111111@c.us_BAE5F2EF5C69001E",
      "to": "1111111111@c.us",
      "from": "me",
      "fromMe": true
  "engine": "NOWEB"


We have a dedicated page how to send polls and receive votes!

  "event": "poll.vote.failed",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "vote": {
      "id": "false_11111111111@c.us_2E8C4CDA89EDE3BC0BC7F605364B8451",
      "to": "me",
      "from": "111111111@c.us",
      "fromMe": false,
      "selectedOptions": [],
      "timestamp": 1692956972
    "poll": {
      "id": "true_1111111111@c.us_BAE595F4E0A2042C",
      "to": "111111111@c.us",
      "from": "me",
      "fromMe": true
  "engine": "NOWEB"


  "event": "label.upsert",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "10",
    "name": "Label Name",
    "color": 14,
    "colorHex": "#00a0f2"
  "engine": "NOWEB",


  "event": "label.deleted",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "id": "10",
    "name": "",
    "color": 14,
    "colorHex": "#00a0f2"
  "engine": "NOWEB",


  "event": "label.chat.added",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "labelId": "6",
    "chatId": "11111111111@c.us",
    "label": null <=== right after scanning QR it can be null. 
  "engine": "NOWEB",


  "event": "label.chat.deleted",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "labelId": "6",
    "chatId": "11111111111@c.us",
    "label": null
  "engine": "NOWEB",


  "event": "call.received",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "from": "22222222222@c.us",
    "timestamp": 1721374000,
    "isVideo": false,
    "isGroup": false


  "event": "call.accepted",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "from": "22222222222@c.us",
    "timestamp": 1721374000,
    "isVideo": false,
    "isGroup": false


  "event": "call.rejected",
  "session": "default",
  "payload": {
    "from": "22222222222@c.us",
    "timestamp": 1721374000,
    "isVideo": false,
    "isGroup": false


Low-level engine event, for debug and troubleshooting purposes.

  "event": "engine.event",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "NOWEB",
  "payload": {
    "event": "messages.upsert",
    "data": {"":  ""}

Deprecated Events


⚠️ DEPRECATED. payload has engine specific data. Use group.v2.leave instead.

  "event": "group.join",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {


⚠️ DEPRECATED. payload has engine specific data. Use group.v2.leave instead.

  "event": "group.leave",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {


⚠️ DEPRECATED, use session.status event instead.

It’s an internal engine’s state, not session status.

  "event": "state.change",
  "session": "default",
  "engine": "WEBJS",
  "payload": {