
Start developing your WhatsApp automation with using n8n and WAHA in pair!

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👉 You can follow WAHA + n8n: No Code Low Code WhatsApp Automation Step-By-Step Guide to start WAHA and n8n from the scratch and start your first “echo” workflow!

Alternatively, check the installation guides for n8n and WAHA:



Install WAHA n8n node

Go to your n8n => Settings => Community nodes and install:


If you need help with that, check the Install community nodes

WAHA API Credentials

Before using the node you need to add WAHA API credentials.

Go to your n8n installation and create a new WAHA API credential:

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If it doesn’t allow you to Save it (no save button) - just put any string in Api Key field, know issue :(

WAHA Actions

@devlikeapro/n8n-nodes-waha provides WAHA Actions with all available API calls that you can find in the WAHA API documentation or Swagger.

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WAHA Trigger

@devlikeapro/n8n-nodes-waha provides WAHA Trigger node, which make it possible to trigger the workflow when the specific event happens in WAHA.

Click to open full size.

💡 Remember to configure your WAHA Session with proper Webhook with WAHA trigger -> Webhook URL and the events you want to listen!

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Workflow Examples

👉 Check out https://waha-n8n-workflows.devlike.pro for workflow templates!

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If you’re experiencing any issues or have a feature request, please check the below resources: WAHA:


If that doesn’t help - kindly open an issue in the devlikeapro/n8n-nodes-waha GitHub repository, we’re happy to help you out!