Answers to frequently asked questions.

How much CPU and Memory does WhatsApp HTTP API consume?


The benchmark has been made on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz. It may differ from case to case, it depends on usage pattern - how many messages you get, how many send, etc.

Accounts (sessions) in the containerCPUMemory

The nature of WhatsApp HTTP API and its underlying engines - is to run real WhatsApp Web version in Chrome and communicate with it to prevent blocking from WhatsApp. It’s the reason why it’s so demanding on resources.


If you’re looking for less resource demanded engine - have a look at NOWEB engine ->

Quotes from the users:

The server has 2 CPU and 8GB of memory. Today we have 85 sessions in this instance.

400 sessions with 4CPU and 32RAM. It’s working fine.