⚡ Quick Start

Step-by-Step guide to send your first message via WhatsApp API.

Step-by-Step guide

On this page you’re going to install and run WAHA, authenticate the client using QR code, and send your first message to WhatsApp using API!

We will guide you through the necessary steps to successfully send your first text message using WhatsApp API.

Are you a visual learner?

We’ve got you covered! Watch the video tutorial below to see how to send your first message using WAHA

Step 0. Requirements

WAHA works on top of Docker, that’s the only think you’ll need!


👉 Please follow the Docker official guides to install it on Linux, Windows, and macOS

Why Docker?

Docker makes it easy to ship all-in-one solution with the runtime and dependencies. You don’t have to worry about language-specific libraries or chrome installation.

Also, Docker makes installation and update processes so simple, just one command!

Step 1. Download image

Assuming you have installed Docker, let’s download the image.

Run the command below:

docker pull devlikeapro/waha

If you got the ➕ WAHA Plus , use the following commands:

docker login -u devlikeapro -p {KEY}
docker pull devlikeapro/waha-plus
docker logout

ARM processors

If you’re using ARM (like Apple M1/M2, etc.) - use following commands to download the image:

# Download the image
docker pull devlikeapro/waha:arm
# Rename it, so you can use devlikeapro/waha image in other place
docker tag devlikeapro/waha:arm devlikeapro/waha

If you got the ➕ WAHA Plus , use the following commands:

docker login -u devlikeapro -p {KEY}
docker pull devlikeapro/waha-plus:arm
docker logout

# Rename it, so you can use devlikeapro/waha image in other place
docker tag devlikeapro/waha-plus:arm devlikeapro/waha-plus

Step 2. Run WAHA

Run WhatsApp HTTP API:

docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000/tcp --name waha devlikeapro/waha

# It prints logs and the last line must be
# WhatsApp API is running on: http://[::1]:3000

👉 Now, open 📊 Dashboard at http://localhost:3000/dashboard

You’ll see WAHA Dashboard:

Step 3. Start a new session

To start a new session you should have your mobile phone with installed WhatsApp application close to you.

Here is the official instruction on WhatsApp site on how to log in.

Now you start default session (current status should be STOPPED).

You can leave all configuration parameters by default:

Step 4. Get and scan QR

Wait until the session status is SCAN_QR and click on “camera” icon:
👉 If instead of QR you see Click to reload QR - stop the session and start it again.

You’ll see QR code from WhatsApp Web app, now get your phone with installed WhatsApp application and scan the QR:

The session status will move to WORKING status:

Step 5. Send a text message

Now we’re ready to send first messages to WhatsApp via API!

Replace 123123 with your phone number without +, but keep @c.us part:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:3000/api/sendText' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "chatId": "123123@c.us",
  "text": "Hi there!",
  "session": "default"

As alternative to curl, you can use 📚 Swagger for that.

Open Swagger at http://localhost:3000/#/chatting , scroll down to chatting section.

  • Find POST /api/sendText endpoint and expand it
  • Click Try it out
  • Replace 123123@c.us with your phone number without +, but keep @c.us part
  • Click Execute

What is next?